Girdling Roots

November 10, 2022

What is girdling root?

Girdling root is when the roots of a tree start to suffocate themselves by wrapping around their trunk. the process of photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of a tree and is transferred to the roots. However, girdling root will stop carbohydrates from moving through the phloem to the roots.

One way that this happens is through overgrown container plants. It can start when the plant is initially planted or develop over time after being improperly installed. Installation, over-mulching, and soil compaction are common reasons for girdling roots.

Although it is not immediate the tree will slowly decline for up to ten years

Detecting this disease can be very simple and there are several things you can check for. The first effect to look for is at the crown of and whether it is thinning. It will start on the upper half and work its way down.

This can also happen under the surface of the soil and be harder to detect. By looking at the trunk you can identify girdling root if one side of the trunk is straight, with no natural flare. The tree may lean or break if it has suffered for long enough.

Prevention is the key to this problem. It can take years to develop and early detection is crucial. It is recommended to frequently check trees’ roots as they grow to spot girdling in the early stages.

Proper installation is the best way to prevent girdling roots from starting. Installers should loosen and straighten all roots before installation. The hole that the roots are installed in should be ample size to let the roots sprout. it is important to keep the soil around these new roots loose and not compact for them to stretch out. The last step is to not over-mulch the newly planted tree.

If girdling has just started you can remove the roots carefully. It is important that you remove the right amount and proper distance from the trunk.

If girdling has persisted for a long time it may be necessary to cut a small notch in the root may help to weaken it without disturbing the natural flow.

In some cases the girdling has persisted for too long and removal is the only viable option. If this is the case make sure to consult with a licensed arborist such as Yarnell Tree.